The Middle Snake Regional Water Resource Commission values education above all else. In order to protect our water resource, it is imperative that everyone understand how water use can impact the quality and quantity of the water we depend on in the Middle Snake Region. Please check back with us periodically as new material for consideration is posted.

Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Water Management Discussion

Presentation by Director Mat Weaver with IDWR to the Twin Falls County Farm Bureau Board in October 12, 2023.

Outdoor Idaho Presents:
Idaho Water Handbook

Idaho could be in for some interesting battles over water, and it will be the state’s unique water laws that will help determine the winners and losers in the fight over this precious, finite resource. This video was produced in 2013 and since then, Idaho's primacy application was approved by EPA and IDEQ largely took over regulation of discharged pollutants in the state of Idaho on July 1, 2018 pursuant to a Memorandum Agreement between IDEQ and EPA.

Governor’s Water Summit to discuss trends, investments in statewide water supply

Boise, Idaho – Governor Little will meet with leaders and stakeholders at the Governor’s Water Summit on Monday, August 7, to discuss trends in Idaho’s water supply.

There is a small sound issue for the first 3 minutes of the video but it does clear up.

The below videos were produced in and around 1992 when the Middle Snake RWRC was still known as the Middle Snake Study Group. While the videos themselves are quite dated, the information they contain are as pertinent as ever. We are in the process of updating content on this website, so please make sure to check back with us soon!

Middle Snake River: Before and After

Middle Snake River: Action on the Snake

Waters Above and Below